Spring is just around the corner and so many of us are anxiously awaiting its arrival. With a long, tough winter almost behind us, we can look forward to warmer temperatures, blooming flowers and sunshine on our faces – things we have all been craving so desperately.
With the arrival of warmer months, comes another spring-time tradition – spring cleaning! That joyous occasion where we open the windows, air out the rugs and give our homes a fresh start. And while we may not all enjoy the act of spring cleaning, most of us are happy with the results – a home that feels lighter, brighter and more inviting. This, in turn, can lift our spirits and make us feel happy and relaxed.
This spring might also be a good opportunity to take things a step further, to dig a little deeper and take some time to really evaluate the items taking up space in your home. Those knick-knacks you dust around, boxes sitting in the basement or items hiding in the closets that never see the light of day. All of these things contribute to our homes and minds feeling heavy, cluttered and weighed down. Now might be the perfect time to really give some thought to what you need and want to keep and to let go of things that are no longer serving you. As many of us were reminded during this challenging year, material items are not as important as we may once have believed.
Over the course of a lifetime, we accumulate a lot of stuff. It happens to all of us. Gifts, purchases, and items we inherit from past generations all contribute to our collection of things. Over time, our homes can become very full. It creeps up on us, sometimes without our even realizing it. Often, many of the things we keep in our homes serve little purpose in our day to day lives, yet we often have a hard time getting rid of them.
There are many reasons we hang on to items we don’t really need or use. Sometimes our possessions help us maintain a connection to our past – past experiences, people we loved who are no longer here, proof of a life well-lived. Some items stir up happy memories and remind us of fun times. Sometimes we hang onto things for non-sentimental reasons – they cost a lot of money so we don’t want to give them away, they are still in good condition, or we may use them…someday. Maybe we have a desire to pass them along to the next generation – to link ourselves and our history to the future. These are all common reasons.
But often, we are holding on to too many things. Taking the time now to go through our possessions – while we have time, are able-bodied and not feeling forced or obligated due to life circumstances – can be a very uplifting and cathartic process. Decluttering our home allows us to sell or donate items to others and feel at peace knowing they are useful in someone else’s life. Maybe we are ready to pass along some of our prized possessions to family and friends, knowing we can witness them enjoy and appreciate these special items. We can feel good about taking responsibility for our own things rather than leaving our children and other family members to deal with a bunch of things in the future – things they may not even want or need. Freeing up space in our home has many benefits and allows us to focus on what is really important – like our relationships and time spent doing things we love, rather than being distracted with the material things around us that are no longer serving a purpose for us.
The evaluation and decluttering process can be overwhelming and emotional. But there are some simple suggestions to help, if you are not sure where to begin.
Start with something small – such as a drawer or one closet. Enlist some help – from a family member, a caregiver, or a trusted friend. Going through the process together offers you a chance to share your stories and memories – something that may be more valuable to your loved one than the physical item itself. Don’t be afraid to keep a few special items or to condense your cherished possessions into a smaller collection, but be selective. Hire a professional who specializes in home organization and decluttering – someone who can offer a different perspective and help keep you on track. Remind yourself of the benefits of doing this and why now is better than later. Think of it as a gift to yourself and to your children.
As we welcome spring with open arms, let us also welcome the opportunity to evaluate what is most important in our lives. Now is the perfect time to begin the journey towards simplifying. It’s never too soon to start!
Happy Spring!
For more information on Professional Organizing services, please visit our website www.rosieblifestyle.com . We offer a range of organizing and decluttering services to assist you in your journey to simplify. Some examples of ways we can help;
- Motivation and support through the entire process of decluttering and organizing
- Working together to develop reasonable timelines and goals
- Hands-on assistance with sorting, purging and decluttering any area of your home
- Resources and contact information for donating, selling and removing items you no longer need
- Assistance in taking items away for donation
- Multi-session options, regular check-ins for larger projects