It’s a simple word that is sometimes very hard to put into practice.  Often, to start something new takes courage, perseverance and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. Particularly if we have fears of failure, or expectations that are completely unrealistic. It’s fairly easy to day-dream about making changes but getting ourselves in motion to make it happen is where a lot of us get stuck. Me included. 

As we near the end of the year 2020 – a year that has been full of challenge, loss and difficulty – many of us are looking forward to THE END . We are ready for this horrible time to be over, so things can go back to “normal”.  We may feel a bit like we are holding our breath until everything in the world feels right again. Things may feel out of our control and it can be hard to push yourself to start anything when all of these negative emotions are swirling inside. 

Typically as we close in on a new year, people look forward to starting new habits, having a clean slate and setting new goals. At this point, the future feels a bit uncertain and none of us really know what to expect from 2021. 

But I think it is important that regardless of the situation, we need to keep pushing ourselves forward.  While I’m learning to live in a way that can roll more with the punches and worry less about what the future holds, I also think it’s helpful to have some sense of control over certain aspects in our lives. Especially when the world around us seems to be spiraling out of control. We need something to hold onto – even something small – that allows us to feel tethered and grounded to. We need to feel that we have some influence on our own lives.  

For me, my tether has always been my home. It is my sanctuary, my place to rejuvenate and a place I take great care to keep organized and beautiful. For most of us these days, our homes have needed to become our safe haven. And whether we love to be at home or we are forced to be, our homes should be somewhere that we feel happy, content and calm.  It can be our grounding force in the scary storm that is life right now. 

All we need to do is start. Start small. Start slowly. Start even though you don’t feel like it. Start somewhere. Start giving your home the attention it needs and deserves. Start creating a surrounding for yourself that can bring you joy, contentment and peace. Stop waiting, and start!